Welcome to check out the daily updated Rocket League Certified Items Prices and Trend in the last 15 days here, covering the current value of all certified car bodies, wheels, decals, toppers, goal explosions, trails, rocket s, banners, antennas, etc!
Rocket League Certified items are special items that, when equipped during online matches, record a certain different-than-normal stat for that item. Rocket League Certified items can be leveled up by achieving the stat being tracked a certain amount of times, but the rarity grade of the base item will be kept. All Rocket League customize items (except for paint finishes) can be certified. As Rocket League tradeable items keep the traceability after certified, it means players can trade certified items with others. If you want to get a fair trade for a certified item, you need to know its current value in the market. So check out our Rocket League Certified Items Price List now, covering all items (car bodies, decals, wheels, goal explosions, trails, rocket s, toppers, player banners and more) on four platforms - Xbox One, PC, PS4, Switch!
Our price list is calculated professionally and accurately based on the ongoing transactions in the market. However, because the transaction volume of certified items on the market is not fixed, and the certification attributes and grades of the items are diverse, this price list is for reference only. Want to collect certifications? Buy Cheap Rocket League Certified Items here!