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> Wow Sod Phase 2 Pvp Tier List Best Class For Pvp 1V1 Bgs In Season Of Discovery Phase 2

WoW SoD Phase 2 PvP Tier List - Best Class for PvP 1v1 & BGs in Season of Discovery Phase 2

1/1/2024 3:00:01 PM

Phase 2 of World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery is fast approaching which will bring with it a level cap increase along with new spells, talents, gear, and more for all classes. With these changes, the previously established PvP rankings are sure to see adjustments. Let's take a look at how the WoW SoD PvP tier list may shift in Phase 2 based on what we know so far.

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 2 PvP Tier List - Best Class for PvP 1v1, Raid, BGs in SoD Phase 2

Stranglethorn Vale will become a massive PvP zone in Phase 2 of Season of Discovery, as it is turned into a location for the Gurubashi Arena trinket event, fishing competition event, and encouraging Open World PvP and questing throughout the valley. This is expected to massively increase world PvP activities in the zone as players participate in the new events and levels, and fight over resources, making STV an extremely volatile hotspot for ganking and battles. Because of this, players on PVP servers are advised to avoid leveling in STV when Phase 2 launches to not get repeatedly killed by the expected heavy PVP activity, and should instead level in other safer zones like through dungeon grinding.

So the new PvP event will still be core to Phase 2 of WoW Season of Discovery, and if you want to level a new class, you should figure out which classes perform best overall in Phase 1 because we believe they will in Phase 2 Will still have the upper hand! And if you want to hit level 40 in Phase 2, get some fast WoW SoD Gold from Rocketprices.com now!

S-Tier Classes:

  • Warlock - Warlocks are expected to remain dominant with their strong self-healing, damage over time abilities, and supreme utility. They gain even more powerful talents and spells to cement their spot at the top.

  • Hunter - Hunters gain new abilities to boost both their damage and survivability. Skilled Hunter players will continue shredding opponents in Phase 2.

  • Retribution Paladin - Paladins already found success in Phase 1 and gain powerful seals, blessings, and immunities in Phase 2 to solidify their position.

A-Tier Classes:

  • Mage - Both Frost and Fire Mages gain new nukes and survivability tools to better compete with top damage dealers.

  • Druid - Feral Druids gain much needed damage buffs while Restoration gets stronger heal over time spells.

  • Shaman - Elemental continues pumping damage while Enhancement is buffed significantly and gains crowd control potential.

  • Priest - Discipline enhances utility while Shadow bolsters damage dealing once gaining Voidform.

B-Tier Classes:

  • Rogue - Both Combat and Subtlety specs gain precision and energy regeneration to improve their sustained damage output.

  • Warrior - Warriors gain mastery of arms through talents and gear allowing them to hang with other melee classes.

  • Enhancement Shaman - As mentioned, Enhancement gains potency through toolkits to stick on targets and deal damage.

The above SoD Phase 2 PvP Tier List is sorted out by reviewing the overall performance of these classes and specs, and now to help you have a better idea of their ability in different PvP forms, we have the following ranking lists for you: 

Season of Discovery 1v1 PvP Tier List

  1. Warlock

  2. Mage

  3. Hunter

  4. Paladin

  5. Priest

  6. Rogue

  7. Druid

  8. Shaman

  9. Warrior

Season of Discovery Battlegrounds PvP Tier List

  1. Warlock

  2. Hunter

  3. Druid

  4. Mage

  5. Paladin

  6. Shaman

  7. Priest

  8. Rogue

  9. Warrior

Season of Discovery Small Group PvP Tier List

  1. Warlock

  2. Hunter

  3. Mage

  4. Shaman

  5. Warrior

  6. Paladin

  7. Druid

  8. Priest

  9. Rogue

Season of Discovery Raid PvP Tier List

  1. Mage

  2. Warlock

  3. Hunter

  4. Shaman

  5. Paladin

  6. Druid

  7. Priest

  8. Rogue

  9. Warrior

This WoW SoD Phase 2 tier list is subject to change as player experimentation uncovers new strengths and strategies. Rest assured, all classes will find continued success as their potential maxes out. Choose a class that fits your enjoyment and prepare for an explosive new phase of PvP!