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> Top 2 Elden Ring Best Rune Farms Exploits 2024 Elden Ring Rune Farming Guide 2024

Top 2 Elden Ring Best Rune Farms & Exploits 2024 - Elden Ring Rune Farming Guide 2024

1/4/2024 4:14:18 PM

Runes are the key to unlocking your character's potential and conquering the challenges of Elden Ring. Today, we’re going to show you crazy Elden Ring rune farms 2024 which are going to make you millions upon millions of runes. If you're trying to level up, here is the easiest and best Elden Ring runes farming method that you should be using.


Elden Ring Rune Farming Guide 2024 - Best Rune Farming Spots, Routes & Glitches in Elden Ring

Elden Ring runes can buy weapons, armor, spells, ingredients, and training for improving your character's abilities. By accumulating Runes and spending them at Sites of Grace, you gain levels and increase your character's stats like health, stamina, and strength. Higher levels make you more formidable against enemies and allow you to access previously locked areas. Next, let’s dive into 2 Elden Ring best rune glitches and exploits in 2024!


Top 2 Best Elden Ring Rune Farms

1. Dynasty Mausoleum

Open up your map, and travel to the Rose Church. There isn't a teleporter there so you do have to simply travel to this location. There's going to be an NPC by the name of White Mask just standing at the entrance to the church itself. He's going to give you three PVP quests, you're going to go ahead and finish those quests. Upon finishing them, return to White Mask, hand them in and he's going to give you a medallion which is a teleporter to a separate map which is the underworld.

Once you are in this underworld section, you're going to travel to the rest point located in Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance. This should be the first rest point you come across after using the medallion. From this rest point, you are going to make your way upstairs. There are going to be weird zombies walking around, you can avoid them because they don't attack you unless you provoke them. Go to the side and proceed to jump down the cliffs. Once you make it to the bottom, summon your mount and then run to the end.

Once you make it to the area where a large tree is, you're going to proceed to jump off your mount and this will be easier on foot rather than doing it on your horse. You're going to start climbing it, once you are in the middle part of this tree, summon your mount and then proceed to turn around and then jump on the side of the cliff. You're going to proceed to do Parkour because you have to get around to the back side of this cliff.  Simply jump on the same rocks, once you make it to the back, go ahead and do a curve jump and then land on a flat end.

You're going to proceed to stand in this area, then do a single jump off of the cliff, follow that up with a double jump, and then constantly swing your weapon anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds. After that, you should see a bunch of runes.


Rune Drops

The amount of runes you obtain from this varies on whichever new game plush you are on.

NG + 1: 75K - 150K

NG+ 2: 80K - 190K

NG + 3-4: 110K - 350K

NG + 5-6: 400K - 700K

NG + 7-8: 700K - 1,200K

2. Converted Tower

This is the best Elden Ring early game rune farm 2024 starts at the Gatefront Ruins site of grace in Limgrave. There's a shortcut path hugging the cliffs to bypass Margit and Godrick, arriving at the Lake-Facing Cliffs. Follow the cliffs further south, being careful of wolves jumping down. You'll pass below Stormveil Castle and eventually reach the Converted Tower Cliffside site of grace near Morne Castle, this is where we want to be.

From this grace, the instructions are to have your weapon ready, as a smaller weapon is preferable for this farm. You'll do a series of jumps down the cliffside - the first is straightforward, but the second requires waiting a moment before jumping to land safely.

Upon this second landing, you should see the message "Great Enemy Felled" appear, along with gaining runes. The first run through this farm yields 9,000-10,000 runes without boosts. 

Subsequent runs will net 3,600 runes each time. It adds that using the Gold Scarab talisman and Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot would boost rune gains by 50% and 20% respectively. Rest at the grace site between runs, and be sure to continuously attack with your weapon on the way down the jumps to trigger the rune drops from the enemies.