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> Diablo 4 Druid Gauntlet Tier List Best Gauntlet Druid Builds In D4 133

Diablo 4 Druid Gauntlet Tier List - Best Gauntlet Druid Builds In D4 1.3.3

3/6/2024 2:59:38 PM

Druid players will be vying to push leadersboards in the new Gauntlet challenge rift mode. of Diablo 4. This is a D4 1.3.3 Druid tier list, let's talk about the best build for the Gauntlet.  


Diablo 4 Best Gauntlet Druid Build - D4 1.3.3 Druid Build Tier List

The Gauntlet will be a weekly challenge Dungeon in Diablo 4 that will allow players to compete in the global Leaderboards. Several Druid builds have risen to the top throughout Season 2 such as Shred and Stormclaw. However, the altered priorities of Gauntlet favor setups with dependable boss melting potential. After analyzing viable options based on the latest 1.3.3 patch notes and PTR testing, some builds appear poised to pull ahead of the pack when it comes to dominating. Following in our D4 1.3.3 Druid Gauntlet builds ranking!

S Tier - Pulverize

  • Bossing: S

  • Speedfarm: S

Pulverize is a solid build that might be the Diablo 4 Season 3 best Druid build for Gauntlet. A new version of Pulverize with Shred has been popping up since pretty much everyone has been adding shred to every build for mobility. Pulverize is very good at killing bosses with overpower. Gauntlet has a lot of bosses and we're going to have to see if Pulverize has enough overpower procs to keep up with the rotation of bosses. If that happens to be the case, then Pulverize be very well be the best D4 1.3.3 Druid Gauntlet build for the season.


S Tier - Lightning Storm

  • Bossing: S

  • Speedfarm: S

Lightning Storm has been the most popular build of the season due to having added a new unique for the build which has made the build very fun to play, the new Unsung gloves. This build is one of the best D4 1.3.3 Gauntlet builds in the S tier. It's a good overall build although it does struggle a little bit against bosses and the damage is not consistent over a long period. In Gauntlet, you have to kill bosses sometimes consistently for up to 30 seconds. You have to kill boss after boss, it's going to be very hard to deal with that on certain builds for that reason. Lightning Storm is going to be S tier but probably not the best build for the season.


S Tier - Tornado

  • Bossing: S

  • Speedfarm: S

Tornado has a decent chance of being the best Diablo 4 Season 3 Gauntlet build that has good mobility and boss damage. It doesn't have massive AoE but it's good enough to kill elites which is what Gauntlet wants.


S Tier - Boulder

  • Bossing: S

  • Speedfarm: S

Boulder is going to be the best D4 1.3.3 Gauntlet Druid build in Season 3. Boulder has high mobility with Shred and has high single-target damage.


A Tier - Stormclaw Build

  • Bossing: A

  • Speedfarm: S

Stormclaw build has been buffed in recent patch. Vampiric powers are coming back, Moonrise damaging enemies grants attack speed up to 10 stock and also basic skill will do extra damage and grant move speed. Massive buff for the build. Because the Gauntlet content and the season in general has a heavy focus on bosses, this build is going to remain in a tier or maybe low S tier on this Diablo 4 Gauntlet Druid ranking. He might be decent in solo but in duo, three man or four man because it is going to struggle.


A Tier - Shred

  • Bossing: A

  • Speedfarm: S

Shred has been the best build both last season and this season. The leaderboard content focuses a lot more on bossing which is a downside, Shred is very good at clearing AOE and moving quickly. Due to the lack of density in the Gauntlet and the number of bosses that are required to be killed, we’re going to be moving down Shred from the S tier to the high A tier. This is to be the best D4 1.3.3 Druid build Gauntlet, but still a solid build. Unfortunately, we are not able to use the best thing about Shred which is Airidah’s in such a low-density content.