Tradeable Rocket League Rocket Pass 4 items, referred to the 70+ Tier Rocket Pass 4 Premium rewards. These Rocket Pass 4 Pro Tier items are rare painted variants of existing cosmetics, with a chance of them being Certified or Special Edition. If you want to trade any of these Rocket Pass 4 Items with other players, the first thing you should figure out is their current market value in keys before trading!
Rocket Pass is dropped into the game constantly to keep the game freshly! Rocket Pass 4 is live for all platforms from August 28 to December 4, 2019. Now you can feel free to check out the Rocket Pass 4 Premium Items Prices here easily and fast on RocketPrices.Com, which will ensure you get know the instant value of all Rocket Pass 4 Premium Rewards and make the best trade for the new items! as the top professional rocket league trading store always offers you the latest trading information at the first time!
On the Rocket League Prices List, we present a complete prices list of all new Rocket Pass 4 Items including the painted Mudcat GXT, Philoscope III wheels, Magma Decal in Rocket League Keys for all platforms, also you can check out the price trend of every Rocket Pass 4 Premium Items here. Keep in mind our Rocket League Rocket Pass 4 Item Prices index is updated daily according to the professional trades happening in the market. So welcome to check back for the current prices in keys in RL market every day!