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> Top 10 Rocket League Best Mechanics To Rank Up Grand Champ Fast

Top 10 Rocket League Best Mechanics To Rank Up Grand Champ Fast

7/28/2023 7:13:30 PM

Here are the Top 10 Mechanics you should learn to rank up to Grand Champ fast in Rocket League now!

Rocket League Must-Learn Mechanics To Rank Up in 2023

It's 2023, Rocket League has been out for a while, and even though we've now discovered hundreds of mechanics, 95% of them can be completely ignored if you just want to rank up fast. So here we have the list of the only must-learn mechanics to rank up in Rocket League now!

No. 1 - Bounce Dribbling

Bounce Dribbling is the best mechanic in Rocket League for the same reason that most people are overweight or not in good shape. The number one most important mechanic to rank up in Rocket League is simply being able to control the ball bounce it back and forth on the ground and then shoot it when they challenge you, that's what bounce dribbling fundamentally is. 

No. 2 - Powerslide

Most of you are power sliding wrong. Have you ever had like a situation where you accidentally run into your teammate or something, they cut you off and they like bump you and then your car spins out and takes forever to recover? There's one button you could hold that if you press will make your recoveries literally look like the pros. It's a real thing and it's called powerslide or drift. People below Grand Champ don't realize that the secret to playing fast and looking smooth is to hold the powerslide every time you land, this is not to mention that once you get good at holding the powerslide on your landings, you can also learn how to power slide and create sharper turns and move around the field faster, and this is so important because if you knew how to power slide better you could move on the ground faster. 

No. 3 - Clears

One of the biggest lies that we see spread by high-ranked Rocket League players is that you need to have good shooting to rank up. This myth that you have to be good at shooting to rank up in Rocket League is just not true, the truth is even for the top-rank players, shooting is just not accurate, you don't need to be able to hit the ball accurately to rank up. In fact, hitting the ball accurately in Rocket League is ridiculously hard even Pro players miss routine shots because just placing the ball where you want is that hard in this game, instead what you actually need to rank up, especially below GC you simply just need to be able to hit the ball hard somewhere on that. One of the most effective strategies below GC is not even shooting the ball at the net but instead intentionally shooting the ball above it, because players' defense at the low ranks is so bad if you just hit the ball high up above their net, most of them will jump up completely miss it and the ball will bounce right off the backboard down to the center for you for a free goal. If you can simply hit it with power near your opponent's net, you're going to rank up three times as fast as the people who are obsessing about being perfect. 

No. 4 - Joystick Air Roll

You need to learn joystick air roll up to a point. If you want to get to GC, you might think that you need to know how to directional air roll in the air - how to carry the ball on your car while air dribbling and be able to do those spins and 360 twists. Directional air roll is great for aerial mechanics at the high ranks like GC plus, but below GC you can get 90% of the benefit from just joystick air roll.

No. 5 - Backwards Saves

Everyone below the grand champ obsesses about the offensive mechanics. The reason you're not winning your games is not that you're not scoring, the reason you're losing your games below Grand Champ is that you can't drive backwards like you don't know how to Shadow defend. If you just have good defense, you can get to Champ free like you literally don't need to be able to score. So the point is before you move down to the next ones on this list make sure that your defense is at least half as good as your offense because if you want to rank up faster than 99% of Rocket League players, you need to stop training what 99% of Rocket League players are training and if you just do like 5 minutes of shadow defense training. 

No. 6 - Half Flips / Wavedashes

We are grouping half flips and wavedashes together because they're both basically recovery mechanics and the reason that you need to learn them if you want to get GC is the exact same. Half flips and wavedashes seem to be the Rocket League equivalent of flossing your teeth. The reason you need to learn half lips and wavedashes is that it needs to be automatic, you don't get the benefit of being able to half-flip correctly once a game. So the point is half flips and wavedashes are on this list because you need to do them every single time.

No. 7 - Fast Aerials

You actually need to learn how to fast aerial if you want to get to GC. Fast Aerials are the only like semi flashy mechanic that you should learn to rank up now. 90% of players below GC don't know how to fast aerial properly. When you do need to jump up to save a shot quickly, you have the skill set to be able to stop it. Learn fast Aerials though it will save you many goals in your games. 

No. 8 - Single Jump Pops

To win in Rocket League, you need to do two things: make sure the opponent doesn't put the ball in your net and ideally if you can put the ball in their net. To rank up to Grand Champ, you literally just need to put the ball around your opponent. For this reason, we think one of the most effective mechanics all the way up to GC is simply being able to put the ball on your car in time with a single jump or if you want to get fancy a double jump to pop the ball over the defender when they early challenge you. The reason single jump pops are so much better than flip here is because you don't need to have control of the ball to do a single jump pop, all you have to do is time it properly. It doesn't have to be fancy, you just need to jump slightly before the defender challenges you, if you do this you will score three times as much in your games because you literally just can't mess this up.

No. 9 - Take Offs

Being good at kickoffs is a lot like being able to shoot a basketball. The reason you need to train kickoffs is that you need to be certain that you are never going to enter a ranked game and get absolutely destroyed and give a free goal away because your kickoff sucks. We are not saying you need to master the speed flip, but saying you need to be able to get a touch on the ball and have a consistent predictable, and efficient kickoff if you want to rank up. If you practice just a basic double dodge kickoff, flip once then drive and flip again into the ball and you can actually do it consistently, it is impossible to be ranked below Platinum with an actually good kickoff.

No. 10 - Power Shots

In Rocket League, power shots refer to shots on goal that are hit with maximum force and speed. These shots are aimed to be strong and difficult for the goalkeeper or defenders to save. Power shots are a fundamental aspect of offensive play, and they can increase your chances of scoring goals significantly.