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> Rocket League Guide A Consistent Warm Up To Help You Improve

Rocket League Guide - A Consistent Warm Up To Help You Improve

10/22/2018 3:17:07 PM

Warming up is arguably one of the most important things to do in any competitive multiplayer game. If you’re not playing at your best then how can you expect to rank up and improve? Thankfully Psyonix has made it very simple to practice and warm up in Rocket League.

Some people prefer just hopping straight into a ranked playlist and don’t care if they lose their first couple matches. However this is not a winning strategy, especially if you spent the previous day grinding at your best and want to hop right back into it without the feeling of “what happened, I was playing so well yesterday”. Or perhaps you are pushing a new rank and can't afford to lose a division or two. No matter what the reason, I’d highly recommend making a warm-up a part of your daily Rocket League routine. 

For me, I highly prefer a custom “Exhibition match” over “Free play”. Navigate from the Main Menu: Play: Play Local: Exhibition: Select Soccer, your preferred Arena, and make sure bots are off. In the mutator settings: change match length to 20 minutes, amount: Unlimited, and Respawn time: Disable goal reset. Now you are set for a 20 minute warm up with no goal replay interruptions. Bellow is a warm-up schedule for you to try out, if you feel like a longer warm up, pop into some custom training packs after completion of the 20-minute match. 

Rocket League Guide - A Consistent Warm Up To Help You Improve

0:00 - 5:00 

Practice without the ball, simply drive around the map warming up your car control. Depending on your rank and ability, warm up: Recovery mechanics such as “half flips”, “wave dashes”, drifting and even driving backward.

5:00 - 10:00

Now begin warming up your ball control. Depending on your rank and ability, warm up: Driving around in circles with the ball at your side. Keep the ball on your roof while driving at different speeds. Try to as much as you can while staying in control of the ball. Practice driving in a straight line with the ball and abruptly turning to face the opposite direction while maintaining control of the ball and repeat. 

10:00 - 15:00

Practice flicks. Flick the ball into the net, turn around and do the same on the other side. Keep mixing it up depending on your rank and ability, warm up; Front flicks, side flicks, 45° flicks, and 180° flicks. 

15:00 - 20:00

Practice Shots. Do the same as you did for flicks but this time with shots. Depending on your rank and ability, warm up: Rolling the ball in front of you, swerve out to the side while , swerve back into the ball to hit it into the net (A hook shot). Do the same with bounce dribbles and power shots.

Now that the 20 minutes warm-up is over, you can continue to warm up if you so please. I'd recommend going into a few training packs to practice: Redirects, saves, and aerials. You should now feel a lot more confident when entering your first initial ranked games and I wish you the best of luck to achieve your goals and rank up. Check out more professional Rocket League Guides and cheap RL items trading here.