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> Rocket League Top 10 Advanced Tips Barrel Roll Roof Dribble Reverse Aerial Double Touch Aerial Kick Offs And More

Rocket League Top 10 Advanced Tips - Barrel Roll, Roof Dribble, Reverse Aerial, Double Touch Aerial, Kick Offs and More

11/9/2018 5:52:05 PM

Are you getting a little left behind by a lot of players in Rocket League? Are you stuck in Rocket League to reach a higher level? Do you want to improve and push into Champion in this competitive season? In this Rocket League advanced Top 10 tips/tutorials, we go into detail on aerials, dribbles, barrel rolls, kick offs and other maneuvers to help you rank  diamond to Champion!

Rocket League Top 10 Advanced Tips - Barrel Roll, Roof Dribble, Reverse Aerial, Double Touch Aerial, Kick Offs and More


Here are top 10 most difficult to master yet important to know, at least in certain situations if you already play at a high enough level, moves that will hopefully help you win more Rocket League matches.

1. Drifting With Style

We will start simple! If you're going backwards and the balls going forward, you can be overtaken by pretty much anyone with s. That is a problem. Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to turn around quick. Jumping and rotating 180 degrees in the air is one way. Another is to hold the handbrake button and the reverse button at the same time, turn, then let go of reverse and hold down accelerate as soon as you're facing forward. It's practical and pretty - what is not to love?


2. Barrel Roll Whilst Aerialing

Here's another tip that's almost useful: barrel rolling in the air can both stabilise your car, and lead to some super cool goals. Ryan, who recently switched his barrel roll button to L1 instead of the default square, is currently learning how to do this well. In the mean time, watch some more talented players than us to see how it's done consistently.


3. The Roof Dribble

Here's a move that few in the world have mastered. When dribbling, you can time your sideswipe so the ball magically rolls onto your roof. Once it's there, you can keep it there by driving at just the right speed. When your opponent tries to tackle you, just single or double jump and you should be able to lob them. The only way to master this is to take to free play and pretty much experiment. Hit the ball to the right and then drive across it and see if you can maneuver the ball on top of your car. As a defender, I can confirm this is an incredibly annoying move, so if you could refrain from mastering it that'd be just great. Check out our Rocket League Air Dribble Guide to learn how to perfect ground air dribble and wall air dribble.


4. The Reverse Aerial

At one point, a high ball behind you meant certain doom if your opponent had so much as a modicum of a little bit about him. You could only stay grounded and await the inevitable: an easy aerial into your goal. The reverse aerial changed this. Jump, tilt back, and , and your car will sail backwards through the sky like an inbred pigeon hellbent on blocking an enemy shot or scoring one of your own. Just make sure ball cam is on so you can actually see the ball, unless you're trying to use The Force, Luke. The best way to practice this is in rookie aerial training. Just turn your car around and smack balls. Reverse aerials are indeed an incredibly valuable.


5. The Inside Out Aerial

If thine car is in mine opponent's half and my ball is in the air, you can still get a solid hit that sends it towards their goal instead of yours. Just fly up at about 45 degrees, tilt your car backwards in mid air, and try and make solid contact with the thing. Note that this is a very, very, very, very slow way to aerial, and is only really useful as a way to block your opponent's hit. Also remember that it leaves you with, like, NO momentum, so all you can do afterwards is just flop to the ground. And if the ball's directly above your head it should be your teammate's to hit. Basically this move usually sucks, but... you know, looks cool though.


6. The Double Touch Aerial

You dare suggest that hitting the ball once in the air is the ultimate test of skill? Try continuing your aerial after the first contact to hit it twice, then get back to me. For bonus points, hit the ball twice before it lands.


7. The Wall To Aerial Hit

Here's a quick advanced tip that can lead to some sweet goals. If you jump off the wall and make contact with the ball, you can continue flying in the air. Controlling these is super hard as your car may start at a weird angle, but with a bit of lateral thinking and a cheeky barrel roll, you can regain control in no time.


8. Aerial, Then Barrel Roll

According to statistics, literally everyone knows you can dodge at the end of an aerial for added precision and power. But what if you run out of time for the second dodge? The answer is a simple barrel roll. Barrel rolling just before you hit the ball can make you connect with it a few milliseconds earlier. Sometimes, even this deftest of touches can be enough to flick the ball over your opponents and into the goal.


9. Double Jump Before An Aerial (Sometimes)

Think of this tip as a direct sequel to Number Eight - Number Nine, if you will. A double jump gets you higher, faster than doing a single jump and then . Although you sacrifice the dodge at the end of the aerial, double jumping can help you reach a ball that's sailing high above your head. You know when you're the last line of defense and you're about to be lobbed? Double jumping and then aerialing backwards can fix that. Just hope your teammate is quick to clear the rebound, because if making contact with the ball is that tough, completely clearing it to safety is nigh-on impossible, and sometimes, the ball will drop just in front of your goal line, whatever you do.


10. Crazy Kick Offs

A lot of people have been asking us how we kick-off. And, to be honest, when I kick-off, I just to the ball and dodge at the end. And there is nothing wrong with that. It's perfectly valid. However, some players like to do crazy flips 'n' poop to get that split second edge. To get to the ball first, hold down R2 and right from the get go. Just before you hit that first pad, dodge diagonally-forward towards the ball, whilst still holding the button. Stop when your car is facing the ground, and then start again just before your car has finished its dodge motion. If you can aim to land right at the bottom of the ball, you can hit it high and wide right round your opponent.

There you have it folks, 10 of the coolest and hardest to achieve Rocket League moves, hopefully to help you win more games, read more Rocket League Guides and do best Rocket League Items Trading on RocketPrices.Com to improve your game! But remember that practice is always the key. You will never be able to achieve anything without practice.