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> Rocket League Half Flip Turning Around Tutorial How To Do Half Flip On Keyboard And Controller

Rocket League Half Flip & Turning Around Tutorial - How To Do Half Flip On Keyboard and Controller

3/16/2018 3:55:50 PM

The half-flip is an awesome recovery move and extremely useful for getting back to goal quickly. In Rocket League, you want your to be pointing in the direction you're going all the time. It's not always possible, but the half-flip quickly allows you to face the right way if you end up backwards. So every wants to do a half flip in gaming, in this guide we will explain how to make the fastest turn and do half flip with keyboard and controller in Rocket League.

Rocket League Half Flip

What Is Half Flip In Rocket League?

The half flip is a technique used to turn around while maintaining momentum, is performed by flipping backwards. Half flip is called a half flip because you actually flip backwards and land so that you cancel the flip animation halfway through, and it is not same with the Areial turn around.


How To Do Half Flip In Rocket League?

This move takes advantage of an interesting mechanic called flip cancelling. When you dodge forwards or backwards, you can hold your analogue stick in the opposite direction to cancel the flip. So, if you hold forward at the exact moment you hit 180° through a backflip, you're facing the opposite way and you can forward. The only problem is, your wheels are now pointing up, so you need to use air roll right/left to rotate the right way up as soon as you cancel - saving yourself from an awkward controller fumble. How to do this? There are actually 2 ways:

1. While driving backwards flip either down left or down right on the thumbstick, then at a certain point in the flip you want to push up on the thumbstick and you'll level out.

2. Backflip, thumbstick forwards so only flip through 180°, a bit of you can, and barrel roll so right-side-up.


How To Do Half Flip With Your Keyboard and Mouse?

This guide shall tell you how to do a half flip in Rocket League with your keyboard, will will have step by step tutorial to complete your first half flip:

Step 1 - As per usual do a normal back flip.

Step 2 - While half way in the back flip hold the forward button (eg the "W" key or the "up" arrow key) and the right or left ariel key, usually these keys are set as the "Q' or "E" keys.

Step 3 - Once you have complete your half flip out to your destination, celebrating that you did your first half flip with your keyboard.

Watch below video from dodo OP to learn more details:


How To Do Half Flip With Your Controller?

This is a quick guide on how to do half flip with your controller:

Step 1 - Go backwards and do a backwards roll (back flip) It should be like holding your analog stick down or south then hitting your jump button twice.

Step 2 - Now do the same thing but right after you do the backwards roll immediately press and hold up or north on your analog stick.

Step 3 - Go into your control settings, set a bind for either air roll left/right (and not "air roll"). I set mine to my square or X if you are on Xbox. U can use whatever you prefer.

Step 4 - Do step 2 but when you press up, add the bind that I just mentioned in step 3 and press/hold that button. That is all.

Watch below video from Sir Timbers to learn more details:

How To Use Half Flip To Do Fast Turning Around?

When going back to your goal to defend after an unsuccesful shot or pass, there are three ways to do it well. These are powersliding into your goal, jumping and turning around into you goal, and half flipping.

Powersliding - , driving, or flipping into your goal and powersliding while in the goal is a simple way to get back to defend.

Jumping Into Goal - While driving or towards your goal, jump and turn around while in the air, then backflip. This should turn you around and conserve speed, but gives you little control once you are in the air.

The Half Flip - The half flip is a technique used to turn around while maintaining momentum, and is performed by flipping backwards. Holding forward for the duration of the flip will cause you to be upside down.


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